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The Pension Committee

The London Borough of Hackney, as the Administering Authority of the Pension Fund, has delegated responsibility for the management of the Pension Fund to the Pensions Committee.

This means that the Pensions Committee oversees the general framework within which the Fund is managed and agrees the policies under which the Fund operates.

The Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is responsible for the day to day running of the Fund.

Elected members:

Councillor Kam Adams – Chair

Councillor Robert Chapman – Vice-Chair

Councillor Ben Hayhurst

Councillor Lynne Troughton

Councillor Frank Baffour

Councillor Grace Adebayo

Councillor Ian Rathbone

Councillor Margaret Gordon

Councillor Fliss Premru

Co-opted members:

Henry Colthurst - Employer Representative

Jonathan Malins-Smith - Scheme Member Representative

All Hackney Council elected Members have voting rights on the Committee, and two voting members of the Committee are required to deem a meeting quorate. Co-opted non-voting members representing employer and/or scheme member interests do not have voting rights, but they are treated as equal members of the Committee and have access to all Committee advisers, officers, meetings and training as if they were Council Members, and have the opportunity to contribute to the decision making process.

For Pension Committee agendas, reports and minutes please use the link below:

at Filter Results by: Committee: select ‘Pensions Committee’ from the drop-down menu, enter any relevant search dates and click ‘Search’

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