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November 2019

The high court has ruled that women are not entitled to compensation for state pension age changes


Almost 4 million women born in the 1950s will not be compensated for the money they lost when the pension age was raised from 60 to 66, the high court has decided. Find out more...

September 2019

GDPR - member FAQs


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of European Union (EU) regulations that came into force last year. It changed how organisations process and handle data, with the key aim of giving greater protection and rights to individuals. Find out more...

Changes to LGPS regulations


A newsletter outlining some recent changes to the LGPS which came into force earlier this year has been uploaded in the Newsletters section of this website. Find out more...

Hackney Pensions Board - Can you make a difference?


Would you like to be involved in the running of the London Borough of Hackney Pension Fund as a Co-opted Board Representative? Find out more...

August 2019

Annual Benefit Statements 2019 for Active members


You should be receiving your 31 March 2019 statement through the post shortly, however, for a small number of you there will be a delay in providing you with this year’s statement....

Annual Benefit Statements 2019


Your Annual Benefit Statement for the year ending 31 March 2019 will be posted out to you by August 2019....

July 2019

Work and Pensions Minister Amber Rudd remains in post


Whilst Mr Johnson’s appointments will see a number of Government Departments with a new ministerial lead, The Department of Work and Pensions is one of the few where the status quo remains, with Amber Rudd remaining as Minister for Work and Pensions....

Five fold increase in people seeking information about pension scams


Following an awareness campaign in the summer by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Pensions Regulator (TPR) there has been a huge increase in people visiting the FCA’s ScamSmart website....

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