November 2020
McCloud Court Case
What is the McCloud case? When the LGPS changed from a final salary to a career average pension scheme in 2014, protections for older scheme members were introduced. Similar protections were provided in other public sector pension schemes. The Court of Appeal ruled that younger members of the Judges’ and Firefighters’ Pension schemes have been discriminated against because the protections do not apply to them....
May 2020
Scams Warning
In this current state of disruption, unscrupulous individuals and organised criminals may try to exploit your fears, or need for guidance and support, by sending you scam or “phishing” emails....
Equiniti - Coronavirus Update
As the coronavirus pandemic escalates, there is an increasing risk of disruption to services for everyone. We want to reassure our members that looking after your pensions is our top priority....
April 2020
Pension Increase for April 2020
The Hackney Fund are pleased to announce the Pension Increase payable from 6 April 2020 is 1.7%....
LGPS worries during COVID-19
If you have any concerns about your financial situation and your LGPS pension due to COVID-19, please go to the LGPS national website and take a look at the member FAQs....
March 2020
Coronavirus update
Following the government's updated advice on the COVID-19 virus, the officers at the London Borough of Hackney Pension Fund are no longer able to work from the Hackney Service Centre, and have been instructed to work from home....
State Pensions increase by 3.9%
From 6 April 2020, the State Pension, for those who reached their State Pension Age on or after 6 April 2016 will rise by 3.9% to £175.20 a week (£9,110.40 a year)....
February 2020
What Does 2020 Hold for Pensions?
Pension schemes have always had to deal with large amounts of industry and regulatory changes, and now The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has sent a very clear message that robust governance must not be allowed to slip....